Color and Quantity: 1 Mini Silver Chalice Vase **Amy finds the sheen a bit shiny, therefore, she often does a light coat of Silver Design Master Spray to create a more matte vibe
Material: Plastic Resin
Vase Dimensions: 2.5''x 5'' (HxW)
Options for Vase Mechanics:
Floral Chicken Wire/Mesh: 8x8 square folded to create a 'pillow' and secured with Waterproof Floral Tape.
Wet Floral Foam: 1/3-1/4 brick of foam. Meaning one brick of foam will fill 3-4 vases.
Tape Floral Grid with Waterproof Floral Tape
Floral Quantity Help
"How many stems will it take to fill this vase?"
The answer depends on the type and size of the flower and how much greenery you plan to use. However, let us try to help by giving a general rule of thumb, or you can checkout the recipes in our . While our already have a recipe for a 6'' vase, here are guidelines to help you create your own recipes.
Big, Rounded Symmetrical Centerpiece: 1/3 brick of foam with waterproof tape securing foam. 3-5 Hydrangea, 3-5 filler flowers, 3-5 accent flowers, few sprigs of greenery (1/6 bunch)
Organic with Combo of Flowers and Greenery Centerpiece: Use chicken wire, foam, or tape. Green the vase out first, using approximately 1/3-1/4 bunch total of greenery. Then, backfill with 5-7 filler flowers, followed by 3-5 accent flowers with touches of texture.
All Greenery Centerpiece: We recommend having 3-6 different varieties of greenery, and the vase will typically accommodate 1/2 bunch in total.