La Minita bought this Costa Rican farm (La Pradera) because it has just the absolute ideal altitude and climate (rain shadow) for growing coffee. From the very highest point of the farm, they grew only red bourbon varietal trees, processed the coffee by hand, and vacuum pack them on site.
The beans are fresh off the mill, perfectly sorted, amazingly fresh and sweet.
The coffee should be treated as a light roast and has a rose floral, sweet, mouth-watering red apple juicy taste. Obviously, nothing about this process or obtaining this coffee was cheap, and a coffee of this quality and freshness, grown in such perfect conditions, is extraordinarily rare or else it's all we would buy! Perhaps the most pure, perfect coffee we've ever been able to share with you, and the perfect example of why Costa Rica and La Minita have such a good reputation in the industry.
It’s best when roasted slowly; the beans are dense, grown at extremely high altitude, and they require more heat than most. Pull it out about 25 seconds after the 1st cracks to find the rose, the crisp clarity, apple juiciness, and wonderful smoothness. It’s a coffee that you can brew and have sit there for an hour, and still not be bitter or astringent after it cooled down. The beans really are perfect.
US Arrival August 2023